A “Centering Breath” for Golf

Eric Armstrong
2 min readApr 26, 2021

Any time you need to be centered, focused, at your best, and HAPPY

This post is for people who do anything where it’s possible to make a mistake…

I have an “energy-based” meditation practice, developed from Kriya Yoga and Raja Yoga. Recently, I was challenged to combine my practice of meditation with my golf game.

A short while later, inspiration struck, in the form of a “centering breath” that raises energy and elevates mood, bringing one fully and happily into the present moment!

Serendipitously, when I began building a yoga meditation bench for a friend, she requested that I “build it with love”. That turned out to be a great request — in fact, some of the best advice I ever got.

Now, woodworking is another area where mistakes are all too easy to make. And that can get frustrating. I found the Centering Breath to be enormously helpful. First, bringing me fully into the present helped to eliminate mistakes. As Jayne Storey teaches, that sort of “mindfulness” improves performance.

Second, elevating my mood made it easier to forgive myself when mistakes did occur. As friend Gary Albitz observed, golf is a game of constant self-forgiveness!

So why does a centering, energizing breath help you to forgive yourself? Let me share my impressions.

From what I have observed:

  1. There is an energy that runs through the universe. (Check out the “Electric Universe” on…



Eric Armstrong

Eric Armstrong has written books on weight loss, golf, meditation, & yoga. He even builds a Yoga Meditation Bench. Turns out it’s an Ancient Tradition!