God is Light! (energy)

No, really. God IS Light / Energy

Eric Armstrong


Not just an idea, but a life-changing realization you can experience for yourself. If only as a working hypothesis, many things begin to make sense. This is how I conceptualize the enlightenment experience (aka “connection to the energy that pervades the universe”), based on my personal journey and the latest scientific evidence.

Warm redish glow in the clouds over the ocean at sunset
Image by Dũng Hoàng Trí from Pixabay

Okay. This is a long one. But I think you’ll find it’s worth it. So grab a cuppa, or print it out and read it a bit at a time.

When I say that “God is Light”, I don’t mean to reduce the idea of “God” to the mundane level of a physical experience we think we know. Quite the opposite. I seek to elevate our conception of “Light”, and give it the recognition it deserves. In fact, as you read this article, you may begin to come to the realization that (paraphrasing Carly Simon), “I really don’t know Light at all”.

My intent, rather, is to elevate “light” to the status of the divine connection we experience as the joyful state of (wait for it…) enlightenment. Because Light, in all its majesty and glory, is the power that drives the universe — and electricity, the “spark” of Light within us all, is the medium in which we swim — a medium that supports us, sustains us, and connects us all.



Eric Armstrong

Eric Armstrong has written books on weight loss, golf, meditation, & yoga. He even builds a Yoga Meditation Bench. Turns out it’s an Ancient Tradition!